Global Mobile Backhaul & Fronthaul market will reach 40143.04 million US$ by the end of 2026

Publisher: QYResearch
Published Date: 2019/10/23

Compared to 2017, Global Mobile Backhaul & Fronthaul market increased sales value by 6.47 percent to $11202.41 million in 2018. Overall, the Global Mobile Backhaul & Fronthaul market performance is positive, despite the weak economic environment. The Mobile Backhaul & Fronthaul market is currently in a phase of transition as mobile operators seek to address increasing mobile traffic demands amidst economic uncertainties. This paradigm shift is bringing new challenges and opportunities to Mobile Backhaul & Fronthaul vendors.

United States is estimated to have the largest country-wise market size of $2444.18 million in 2018, while APAC is forecast to have the largest region-wise market size. Asia Pacific (APAC) includes major economies, such as India, China, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, which are rapidly deploying the 5G solution.

The Global Mobile Backhaul & Fronthaul market is expected to increase to $40143.04 million by 2026 from $12121.20 million in 2019, growing at a CAGR of 18.66% from 2019 to 2026.

Because of growth and consolidation, QYR predicts many established Mobile Backhaul & Fronthaul companies will look to “get a larger slice of a growing pie”. Among these mature enterprises, Cisco, Nokia Networks(Alcatel-Lucent), Ericsson, Huawei Technologies and Broadcom are the leading players in the Global Mobile Backhaul & Fronthaul market with the market share of 18.40%, 12.34%, 11.22%, 14.04% and 7.56% in 2018 respectively, in terms of revenue. And the Top 11 companies listed in our report currently account for more than 86.73% of the total market share and are expected to retain their dominating hold over the market during the forecast period.

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